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Mary Salgado

Operations Manager

Mary Salgado

Mary is our in-house copywriter. She is very experienced and has knows everything about call center industry. Check out her BIO and learn her nice articles about call center services and outcourcing in general!

Recent Posts by Mary Salgado

Virtual assistant

Why Hire a Social Media Virtual Assistant?

A social media virtual assistant is a skilled professional who is familiar with digital platforms. Unlike a full-time employee who works in your office, a social media VA works remotely for your business. It means they’re more affordable and offer unique advantages.

by Mary Salgado


May 19, 2021

Why hire a Virtual Research Assistant

Why hire a Virtual Research Assistant?

A virtual research assistant is a skilled remote employee that manages online research-related tasks for your business. They are exceptionally qualified and have the experience of performing this specific task. A virtual research assistant can present user-friendly information by scrutinizing data from the internet.

by Mary Salgado


May 10, 2021

Scale Customer Support

How to Scale Customer Support without Experiencing Growing Pains

When you’re running a business in its infancy, it will be easy to dispense personal, adequate customer support. However, as your business continues to grow, you can count on your support team to develop as well.

by Mary Salgado


Apr 25, 2021

Differences between B2B and B2C Customer Support

Differences between B2B and B2C Customer Support

To provide outstanding customer service, you must first think about your business’s nature and what consumers expect. Customer service shapes your client’s impression of a product and business and plays a crucial role in your company’s enduring success.

by Mary Salgado


Feb 27, 2021