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Real estate

Hit Rate Solutions Boosts Sales Pipeline for Lonewolf Technologies

Increased Sales, Streamlined Process

Our multi-channel outreach increased sales transfers for the company so they could focus on closing deals.

Cost-Effective Growth

Our efficient approach provided the company with a significant return on investment.

Positive Partnership

Positive Partnership The company was impressed with our work ethic, positive attitude, and collaborative spirit for a winning partnership.

Industry: Real Estate

Project Size: $200,000 to $999,999

Project Length: June 2021 – Now

Location: Dallas, Texas

[Overview & Goal]

Lonewolf Technologies, a real estate software company, focused on streamlining real estate transactions and faced the challenge of expanding their sales reach. The company’s in-house sales team needed additional support in converting inquiries into qualified leads. Hit Rate Solutions’ real estate call center services provided the expertise and resources to achieve that goal.


Lonewolf Technologies discovered us through an online search and was impressed by our high ratings, competitive pricing, and company culture that aligned with their own values.

A dedicated team of our 25 representatives engaged with potential customers through a multi-channel approach:

  • Targeted calls: We contacted prospects who had expressed interest in the company’s software.
  • Informative texts: Tailored text messages provided additional information and addressed potential customer questions.
  • Engaging emails: Personalized emails fostered further communication and nurtured leads.


The partnership with Hit Rate Solutions yielded significant benefits for the company:

  • Increased sales transfers: Our targeted outreach successfully converted inquiries into qualified leads, resulting in a substantial increase in potential sales opportunities for Lonewolf Technologies' sales team.
  • Improved efficiency: The multi-channel approach maximized outreach and nurtured leads so the company’s internal sales team dedicated more time to closing deals.
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Expand Your Sales Pipeline

Generate more qualified leads and watch your sales pipeline flourish.

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Average response time: 1 business day

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